Planning Success!

We’ve recently received news of two successful planning applications.

The first is at Crawley Down, West Sussex.
The design of the 64 Bed Care Home building has been positioned to accommodate arboricultural and highways constraints, and is a two storey building to avoid undue impact on the surroundings.
The design and materials have followed local Weald precedents with steep, plain-tiled, gabled roofs, and large areas of tile hanging above brickwork, for the external walls.

The scheme provides a good care provision through its groupings of four wings of 16 beds, each with its own facilities. In addition to this there are communal spaces and gardens set within secure, beautifully landscaped grounds.

The planning application went to appeal and planning has now been granted.

The second, at Eridge Road, Tunbridge Wells, was unanimously approved by the committee.

The scheme has 40 apartments and community facilities for Older People plus the conversion and restoration of 2 existing houses, in Tunbridge Wells.

Although the site is currently derelict and un-prepossessing in itself the site lies within the Tunbridge Wells Conservation Area, close to identified heritage assets. It is bounded by a row of Victorian semi-detached stucco villas, in the Italianate style, a pair of semi-detatched houses and a large brick railway shed. The design and scale of the buildings was constrained by privacy and daylighting constraints for the neighbouring flats and the pair of houses. Additionally it has been driven by a thoughtful approach to the architectural relationship between these buildings and the desire to create a varied but coherent roofscape

Planning News Autumn 2020

RMA has recently submitted three planning applications for varied schemes as follows:

Frognal Lane

We have recently submitted a planning application for a large detatched house in Frognal Lane. The original house dates from 1813 and it is Grade 2 listed.

The application is to reverse some changes to the interior and exterior of the building, and restore the original character of the building, make internal improvements to the spaces, create a below ground pool complex and rebuild an annex building. The proposals are intended improve the aesthetic value of the existing building and be designed to be more sympathetic with the Manor House.



The demolition of existing house and ancillary buildings on site and creation of a new 2.5storey building with 8 flats. 4 Ground Floor Plats, 3 First Floor Flats and 1 set into the roof profile. The design, is conceived as a large villa in the late arts and crafts style typical of Ickenham.

The flats comply with Space Standards, most will be dual aspect, and all will have dedicated outdoor space.

There is potential for the flats to be used specifically as homes for older people and, to this end, the design will comply in all reasonable respects with the Lifetime Homes and HAPPI standards. A lift is provided.


Crawley Down

Proposed 64 Bed Care home, which in line with current practice, consists of four semi-independent groupings of 16 beds, each group having its own lounge, dining area, nursing station and other ancillary facilities. Groupings of this size work well in social terms and allow for very well-tailored care provision. It is likely that one or more of the four wings will be adapted for the provision of dementia care.

Over and above the care wings, are communal spaces, including reception and recreational facilities for more able residents and their families, and staff areas, including administrative offices, kitchens, the laundry and rest rooms.

Gardens are an essential facility, and this site is wonderfully suited to provide secure, beautifully landscaped grounds.

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